Modern JavaScript

Best of Modern JavaScript — Resolve and Reject Promises

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Since 2015, JavaScript has improved immensely.

It’s much more pleasant to use it now than ever.

In this article, we’ll look at JavaScript promises.

Other Ways of Creating Promises

Other than using the Promise constructor, we can create promises in other ways.

One way is the Promise.resolve method.

It takes the resolved value of the promise as its argument.

And it returns a promise.

For instance, we can write:

  .then(x => console.log(x));

x is the resolved value from Promise.resolve .

If x is a promise whose construction is the receiver, then the promise is unchanged.

For instance, if we have:

const p = new Promise(() => null);  
console.log(Promise.resolve(p) === p);

then we get true from the console log.

If the argument is a thenable and then the then method in the argument is a function, then the resolved value with Promise.resolve is the argument that we call the then parameter with.

For example, if we have:

const thenableObj = {  
  then(reaction) {  
const promise = Promise.resolve(thenableObj);  
console.log(promise instanceof Promise);   
promise.then(x => console.log(x));

We have a thenableObj , which has the then method.

It takes a reaction function and we called it with 'foo' .

Then we pass in an object to the Promise.resolve method, which returns a promise.

If we check if promise is an instance of a Promise , then that returns true .

We can also call then on it with a callback to get the 'foo' value, which is assigned to x .


We can call Promise.reject() to return a promise that’s rejected with a value.

For example, we can write:

const error = new Error('error');  
  .catch(err => console.log(err === error));

We pass in an error object by passing that into the Promise.reject method.

Then we call catch by passing in a callback into it.

err has the error object that we called Promise.reject with, which should be the same as error .

Chaining Promises

We can chain promises with then as long as we return a promise.

Whatever we return in the then callback will be the resolved value of the promise.

For instance, if we have:

  .then(function(value1) {  
    return 'foo';  
  .then(function(value2) {  

Then value2 would be 'foo' .

This lets us flatten promises chains.

Instead of writing:

  .then(function(value1) {  
      .then(function(value2) {  

We write:

  .then(function(value1) {  
    return 'foo';  
  .then(function(value2) {  

Catching Errors

We can catch errors with the catch method.

For example, we can write:

Promise.reject(new Error('error'))  
  .catch(function() {  
    return 'error occurred';  
  .then(function(value) {  

We called catch to catch the error from the rejected promise and run our own code.

This lets us set some value for the next promise to use.

Throw an Exception

We can throw an exception in the then callback, then the promise returned will be rejected.

For instance, we can write:

  .then(function(value) {  
    throw new Error();  
  .catch(function(reason) {  
    // ...  

We threw an error in the then callback, so the catch callback will run.


We can resolve a promise with a value so the next one can be invoked.

Also, we can reject promises and catch the error with catch .

By John Au-Yeung

Web developer specializing in React, Vue, and front end development.

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